Sunday, September 6, 2015

Starburst: Ch1 Earth's Fall, P-2 [The Assembly]

Delegate (1): “We have 6 years before we wont be able to build! Something must be done.”

Delegate (2): “We don't have the authority to confiscate resources to make this happen.”
General Kaystar: “Maybe that's the problem we should solve. We have so little time before the earth and all life on it is wiped, sterilized from creation. Is liberty so important in light of such a threat? Who will be left to enjoy those freedoms?”

The world assembly is on edge and rightfully so. However, enough not at each others throats like you’d expect. The leaders seem to have abandoned whatever political-corporate affiliations they held. It was interesting to see a group of humans once so greedy, fighting collectively to live. This however, was not everyone's standard of thinking… IE: The “Super Rich”

This assembly is discussing the options presented by the Global Science Executive. The cheapest of which, the select migration of humans off world to a nearby star system.
The most expensive of which was the mass migration of humanity off of Earth via City Sized centrifugal spacecraft. Which was regarded as Unlikely in the time allotted; That is until Robotic Mechanist and Computer scientist and billionaire Dr. Nobella presented his ideas.

Dr. Nobella: “You are aware of my series of robots which many of you enjoy in the service industry, as well as construction and mining.

Well… Ive decided since we are all going to die anyway, to nullify each one of their contracts in all corporate uses, and relocate them entirely to whatever construction we need.
For the past year I have also been working on space-ready Zero gravity Mobile robotic facilities, construction droids and nanites for advanced technical and metallurgic construction applications.

Delegate (140): Why weren't we made aware of your space technologies?
Dr. Nobella: I was going to introduce it to the space program.

Delegate (110): “Are you suggesting that we build the city-ships?”
Dr. Nobella: “In fact, I am.”
Speaker 3: “What about the contracts? Wont there be-”
Dr. Nobella: Oh They don't have a choice. I have all the master codes, and all droids are being recalled now, Including my military models. Sorry about that...

He had no arguments, with 99% of the votes in favor the motion passed to commandeer the necessary resources for construction and it would seem that humanity has a fighting chance to survive - with slightly more than an elite few making it into space. This would mean saving much of earths culture and even many species of animals.

However, The richest of the population had their own ideas on who should be allowed to survive, and how they were going to go about it, but for the first time they had no power here, due to the aforementioned loss of Political-corporate affiliations. Lobbyists were now completely pointless in the face of this adversity. This was primary in the cause of the formation of privately funded military forces; and de facto “city state” type government.

The private military occupy defenses around necessary mining sites and production districts which are paramount in the assembly of the life support systems and antimatter projectors for the transports, without the latter they will not be able to construct propulsion efficient enough to escape the black holes gravity, to leave the solar system. They would just be sucked into it due to the mass of the resulting craft.

Delegate (215): “I suggest we move to allow world governments to move to eliminate these private military groups which are blocking the resources we need.”
General Kaystar: “I agree…”
He chimed smugly.

With a roar, the motion passes…

starting what would be the last and bloodiest war humans would ever fight each other in.

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